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【黄岛商科讲坛(第118期)】Green Economy Workshop-A series of four sessions led by Professor ANG Beng Wah


Green Economy Workshop-A series of four sessions led by Professor ANG Beng Wah


1.Energy Transition: The Why and How- Why a new energy transition?

- What is the role of the United Nations in climate change?

- What is the basis of net zero?

- How does the energy transition differ from those in the past?

2.Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities

- What are the pillars of deep decarbonization?

- How does the global energy system look like in a net zero scenario?

- What are the key challenges in the energy transition?

- How does addressing the energy trilemma influence the energy transition?





3.Energy Efficiency- Why is energy efficiency called the “first fuel”?

- Why is it challenging to define and measure energy efficiency?

- How do national and international agencies track economy

-wide energy efficiency?

- What are the challenges in delivering energy efficiency?

4.Climate-related Disclosure

- Why the sudden surge of activities in climate-related disclosure?

- What are the common disclosure systems and standards?

- What are the latest developments in climate disclosure internationally?

- What are the issues on corporate climate action?





Professor Ang is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering andManagement (ISEM) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) where he has previously servedas Head of the ISEM Department and Executive Director of the Energy Studies Institute. He has overfour decades of experience in teaching, research and consulting in energy and sustainability. He is bestknown for his pioneering work in the LMDI decomposition technique, and has consistently been nameda highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics and in the Stanford-Elsevier list of the world’s mostcited scholars.